
Quality convinces.

Our systems are operated world-wide. The satisfaction and trust of our customers are demonstrated by their high degree of brand loyalty. Our customers include the industries’ big players.

Solvent Recycling
Debinding MIM CIM
Debinding AM
Plastics Recycling
Research & Development

Solvent Recycling


Solvent from cleaning process in flexo printing


Chemical process for the production of feeding stuff additives

Berliner Glas

Solvents from the cleaning process of components (glass) from the optical industry


Solvent recovery in the extraction process for the production of hempseed oil

Debinding MIM CIM


MIM & CIM for automotive and medical industry


MIM for automotive industry

Schunk Sintertechnik

MIM for automotive and aviation industry

Element 22

MIM for titanium

Mengoni e Nassini

MIM (water debinding) for luxury goods and haute couture

Sia Orthodontic

MIM for dental products (tooth brackets)

Debinding AM


Debinding after metal 3D printing


Debinding after carbide 3D printing


Debinding after ceramic 3D printing

Plastics Recycling


Worldwide novel plant technology for the recovery of multilayer plastic film waste


Research partner in various research projects


EU project with 19 project partners – recovery of multi-layer packaging in virgin material quality

Research & Development

Fraunhofer Institute IVV

  • Research project »ForCYCLE« – Recycling of metal and plastic composites, funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection
  • Research project »Poly-Ressource« – Processing of contaminated waste plastics from shredder residues from the processing of waste electro(nic) equipment and end-of-live cars in Europe, and the production of legally compliant recycled plastics; within the scope of the funding initiative »KMU-innovative« which was created by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to support cutting-edge research in German SMEs


Volkswagen / Technische Universität Braunschweig

New process for the recovery of precious metals and high-alloy steels from grinding slurries